Friday, September 20, 2013

Ecology of the Fort

The sky was indigo and threatened to burst at any moment into the fall storms Tess predicted but I had a run to do for the commander.  The zip line run to the USPS drop box.  The commander slid his letter rolled up into a metal tube and handed it to me.  I would take it to the drop, about a mile and a half away.  Another runner from either Rilea or Astoria would pick it up on the way to the next relay station until it reached Portland 1 - our headquarters of sorts although I have never been there.

Vending machine found! Scored a Coke on my run - amazing! :D

I always assumed the commander came from Portland 1 but he's the kind of person you just feel uncomfortable asking silly questions to.  His stern eyes and no-nonsense approach didn't invite small talk.  He's trying to get us runners head sets so we can actually communicate back to base.  The commander is good with all types of technology and can hook us up a system out of about anything I would guess - but we have nothing to start with.
Dark low clouds threaten to rain for months.

Runner 8 was attacked yesterday evening.  Like I wrote yesterday the zombs were unusually aggressive.  He beat them off with his baseball bat but his dog was badly injured.  It's in quarantine now because no one knows what will happen to it - will it turn?  Will it just die?  I feel bad for Runner 8 he's deeply upset and not eating.  No one has tried to mention walking the parameter to him.  A couple of Coast Guardies are doing it this morning but we hate to take them away from the fence.  That terribly fragile fence. 

Word has it that Rilea has a concrete fence around it now with barbed wire at the top and some say we should all go there and merge our forces.  The commander just wants to get our numbers to a "sustainable level" before winter but I'm afraid with the storms it's too late.  Being boxed in with the retirement community this winter will drive me crazy.

Caption: This was a zombie disposal station shortly after the local apocalypse. Sadly the zombies overwhelmed us and the sign now sits derelict. Some idiots thought it was for fish since it was in the Marina. *Sigh* Same idjits that bring bottles to the recycling center thinking that's what it's for!!

All photos and text are written the day of my run.