Saturday, September 21, 2013

What is It? Where Did It Come From?

Saturday are not usually my run days - but I've been running everyday without a break for....awhile now.  Today Hero 13 got it started.

"There is a HOUSE.  There is a house down by the Fort Stevens concrete barrier signs.  It wasn't there yesterday or last night and it has been raining.  Where did the house come from?"

I ran that route yesterday before the rain.  I ran past the Fort Stevens signs.  I didn't believe him.  "What do you mean house?  Like someone is living there?"

"No..." said Hero 13, "more like a chicken coup or a bus stop -- hell, I don't know what to call it 5.  A guard house maybe?  Kinda looks like a check point almost..."

"Did you ask the Commander about it then?" I asked sensibly.  He nodded.

"He doesn't know either, you should go take a look."  Well then it rained all day but late in the afternoon we had a break in the rain and the sun poked out a bit so I decided to take the run and bring my camera to show you all what had materialized at our door step.

It had new aluminum flashing on the roof making it water proof and two windows, one on either side, the old sort, probably historical.  The floor was new wood and it was constructed very well.  But why?

No one builds anything with unguarded windows and no doors these days, yet this appeared over night on the old street in front of the fort by the concrete pillars.  Any information as to what this building is we do appreciate.  Please get a hold of us through the ruffle net server system.

Update on Runner 8

Runner 8 was able to take his dog home against most people's better judgement - like mine.  I was against it, but the Commander is respectful of everyone and Runner 8 was broken without his canine companion.  So far the dog has shown no signs of illness. 

My Rant

When I came back from my run today Mildred, one of our tourists from California encamped with us for the duration was eating M&M's privately and greedily in the laundry facility.  Mildred is at least 120lbs overweight and diabetic.  I lost it dear reader.  I yelled at her.

"MILDRED What the hell?  I've had nothing but a protein bar and ran eight miles today and had to drink dirty water once I reached Warrenton and you're here eating CANDY?!  YOU ARE DIABETIC WHY......."  The Commander grabbed me by the scruff and pulled me out of the laundry facility and marched me rather forcibly over to another mine storage area.  I had made Mildred cry.  The Commander is funny about things, he sees the humanity in everyone, sympathizes with everyone, and crap if it doesn't drive me nuts.  I'm sick of these people and having to live so close to them all the time.

"YOU"  He said rather forcibly, "ANSWER TO ME.  YOU ARE A RUNNER.  IF YOU  HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SOMEONE YOU BRING THAT ISSUE TO ME.  CHAIN OF COMMAND.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND RUNNER 5?"  I was starting to tear up, the Commander had never been mean to me before.  I nodded.  "It's just" ... I muttered....

"WHAT?"  He demanded.

"2/3 of the food me and Hero bring back is junk food.  It's crap but we put it away in storage because it's all we've got.  And the Tourists they just gripe all the time.  They are either gluten sensitive or soy sensitive or fructose intolerant or lactose intolerant and then there are those damn diets they are still on.  The say, 'oh' I can't eat that I'm Paleo', and 'I can't eat that I'm against dairy' they either Atkins or Vegan and everything inbetween  -- SIR It's maddening!  One thing NONE OF THEM are sensitive to is SUGAR and FAT.  I swear Sir, we bring back sweets and it's like a pack of kindergarteners and suddenly the 50 or so diabetic people who live here with us just 'forget' that fact, dig in,  and then they need extra insulin, supplies I RUN FOR.  They all eat the sugar and shit food but then feign food priorities when we have cabbage night so they can worm their way into our extra supplies for a KitKat.  I'm sick of it.  Sir."

"ARE YOU DONE?" He asked looking very unsympathetic and possibly like he hadn't heard me.

I nodded.

"Those Tourists are not your concern.  What they eat is not your business.  Where they crap isn't YOUR ISSUE.  GOT ME?"  I nodded.  "Keep your opinions to yourself and if I ever see you take it out on someone again I'm going to trade you to a different camp."  I nodded stunned.

"Another thing - October 2nd there is a vehicle setting out from Rilea.  You are to run and intersect it and go to Portland.  You are to go to Providence and get your blood work drawn.  You are sick Runner 5 and that is my business too - I need my runners on point and you keep slowing down and losing time.  The meds didn't help you did they?"  I shook my head slowly no not believing what I was hearing.

"We'll let you run as long as you are able to, as long as your kidney function is okay and your issues don't get out of hand.  YOU WILL LET ME KNOW when you cannot run anymore - got me Runner 5?"  I could no longer look at him in the eyes my head was down and I felt burnt out beyond repair.  I nodded.  Sure.  Whatever.  Then he reached out and stroked my hair a little bit gently.  "We can't have you sick 5,  we need you.  I need you."  He said softly.

Then he got up and resolutely strode away.  The sun setting I was cold.  The sweat dries and it makes it very chilly indeed.  I needed a shower - well, skip that I didn't want to see anyone.  Clean clothes would have to do.