Friday, September 12, 2014

After April - Rain Runner 5

Rain Runner reporting for duty.  This Monday is my first real day of training back as a regular runner.  The summer had me training a young Runner by the name of Ian.  Ian says running is just way too hard.  He makes me laugh and now that I'm running solo again I miss the company. 

Three days a week I'm in Astoria (what used to be Oregon) running supplies for colonies on board the big ships.  The runs are mostly short - 2 miles at a time but on Monday I start cross training for much longer runs as my feet can handle after being injured in April. 

I'm doing better with my food intake since becoming Vegan.  Something added to the meat, particularly beef made me eat way too much.  After coming into a stash of canned beans I've been more or less alright and slowly losing weight and running better, albeit I need to get back into my former running shape prior to November. 

The rain is coming.

The rain forest has been beautiful.  Warm.  Inviting.  Paradise.  But soon the rains will begin again.  Time to get ready.