The weather has been hot and dry which makes for good traveling. Dr. Jividen was down from New Portland staying with us in our small FEMA compound. We were running at Ft. Clatsop on the Fort to Sea trail. Dr. Jividen was looking for signs of the Mortis virus in the surrounding woodlands. It was all routine.
We had bicycled to the start of the trail out at Sunset beach then ran it out to Fort Clatsop and nosed around there for some time before the sun was threatening to set and it was time to make tracks back to our bikes and get behind the fence before night fall when the zombs are at their most active.
This entire time we had not seen any Zombies at all. While Grants people were with us last year they had taken considerable time to chop off heads and burn or bury bodies thus decreasing the danger and general population of the local Zombies - as long as one did not go over near Seaside. As I've written previously Seaside is a very dangerous area full of tourist zombies.
So on the way back we are almost to our bicycles when we see white plumes of smoke from around the bridge. A voice from far away yells at us, "Don't Go Down There!"
But of course we had to. Apparently there were some zombies, shamblers, and whoever yelled at us or possibly someone else thought to dispatch it by setting the whole place ablaze.
We had to go through. The trail was still there and sandy which acted like a fire break but it was also very narrow so we went through the bracken and hoped the fire did not jump.
It was very warm.
I was worried about the soles of my sneakers melting when I hit areas that were black from being recently burned.
We made it through okay and up the hill enough to see three zombies shambling onward toward whoever had set the fire.
Burning an area to make it zombie free is never a good idea!