Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Running Sprints With The Commander

It had been raining on and off all day and there was a camp meeting at five so I was in the bunk playing with the bouncy ball against the wall.  The Commander came in.

"Would you like to go for a run?"  He asked casually.  I had noted that the Commander had come by a pair of track shoes in the last few days and some really pathetic old blue sweat pants. 

"Sure" I replied.

So his run was more sprinting his heart out and then a walking pant.  I explained to him how his Oxygen would get better the more he ran and that he was using 'fast twitch' muscles to sprint but that 'low twitch' muscles were what would get him miles down the road and away from zombs.

He was a fast sprinter so it was a good workout for me, I don't sprint unless I have to because it burns up my energy stores. 

It was a good day until the meeting.  At the meeting all hell broke loose.