Plantar fasciitis - makes your feet feel like they want to break off. Each step is agonizing and even though I rest when I walk or run again it's just as bad as ever. *sigh* I hobble along when no one is watching.
Dr. Jividen and the Commander have a loop for me to run but I can't read the map correctly and they keep saying my samples are from the wrong locations so I have to go re-run my mission.
I run the paths everyday and if they tell me, "North of Swash Lake" -- I know that and can follow it. Or if I could draw my own map of how I see the trails in my head and how the directions 'feel' to me...I could follow that map just fine. But their map makes no sense at all to me and today I failed to ever locate the drop from Fort Rilea.
The Commander is going with me in three days time to run the course and get it worked out in my head but I'm worried he's lost faith in me. Worse, he's fast as a runner. He's over six foot tall so I'll have to put on some speed and speed work is what absolutely KILLS MY FEET. OUCH!!
My results came back from New Portland and my kidney Creatinine level was a 1.1 which was a drop from the 1.2 and 1.3 it generally stays at. So although I'll still have to urinate every five minutes and dehydration is still an issue as well as fluid retention, I'm okay.
I have colitis again. A genetic foible like my kidneys. I can't digest fructose and we have a lot of dried meal packets. Some must have dried fruit or tomatos or citric acid. I don't know where the offending food is coming from yet. It's hard to run when your abdomen is in a lot of pain. Ironically it also makes me hungry. I guess it's from not digesting food too well. I've been having a marathon
of hot chamomile tea. I also secured me some aloe and L-Glutamine so as long as I can figure out which food is causing the inflammation, I can cure it.
When the Commander comes in around eleven pm he ceases being the Commander. He peels off his shirt and dons a housecoat and we watch funny cartoons on the laptop. This week he has us watching, "China IL" a Brad Neely cartoon.
During the day he's like a different person. Him and Grant have a committee put together. They say if we're going to get attacked it will be before winter sets in. No one wants to have to deal with the rain. It has been unseasonably clear lately.
Dr. Jividen says that regular zombies can be reinfected with Mortis slowing them down and eliminating their blood lust. She says we could use Mortis infected bait for our local zombie population. The Commander thought the idea was morbid even if possibly effective.
Grant's forces have taken on downtown Hammond and the South Jetty Inn quickly building fence that gives them a kind of 'chute' to Ft. Stevens, a quick retreat path.
Meanwhile I pointed out to the Commander that there is a lot of underground structures at Fort Stevens that we haven't explored. Tunnels? He didn't really reply to me, only vaguely acknowledged my observation. That happens a lot. I don't take offense to it anymore.
I usually sleep until he comes in at 11 then I get up for an hour and watch tv with him. I make hot tea from a little coffee pot he brought in. He doesn't drink coffee or tea so I guess it was just for me. He never said, he just set it up one morning. So far he hasn't invited any of the new runners or people to bunk in our house. I prefer it that way, people are so annoying.
I hope for a better run tomorrow. I need to stretch. I need to make some arch supports I guess. I need to figure out my colitis. Feeling overwhelmed today.