I've been training for this run, a test of Dr. Jividen's Mortis theory - that it slows down zombies. They're going to dart them (raided a Vet supply shop that darted local elk awhile back) and see what happens. I'm the bait.
I'm running a six mile loop as fast as I can, but not so fast that I have to walk or run out of fuel because if I walk I'm dead. They'll come from the trees and behind and even in front of me and I have to out run them.
Dr. Jividen who loves weapons is setting up a blind up in a tree where she plans to sleep overnight. She also has some nets to deploy to catch "fresh specimens" and a whole host of tests she's setup. She has about a dozen people along the trail in trees with either darting equipment and guns making it "safer".
The Commander who was going to run with me injured his knee. He won't even be at the starting post. For some reason having him there was giving me a lot of courage and reinforcement that everything would work out alright.
He just says, "you've got this, you do this all the time - just do what you usually do."
I typically don't have the panic button in my head going off at full - what if I hyperventilate and can't breathe to run? The first mile will be the hardest - the first mile my brain always thinks its in charge but after it finally realizes I'm not stopping it shuts up, turns off and I just RUN.
Whatever happens - my foot, my knees, my calves - I'm ignoring it. I just have to run and keep running and find whatever deep recess of power I might have inside that has been since now untapped. I've read about runners finding that inner power -- do I even possess such a thing? I hope so or I'm probably zombie food. I've worked hard on recovering my feet, stretching my hamstrings - God, will it be enough?
Goodnight Fort Stevens, Goodnight